Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Trail To My First 50K - WIFKER 08/06/2011

There has been a fairly significant change in events since the ALS half marathon. On 7/2/2011 I ran my first official trail run. It was fairly flat and had a very wide road as a trail. The following weekend I ran with some friends to Stack Rock off of Bogus Basin Road. It was beyond beautiful and I was literally hooked at first sight! After that run I never wanted to run on the road again. The following week I met up with a group of people to run in the middle of the night on the same night as the full moon. It was beyond amazing. Here's what was incomprehensible about that night. At night, when the sun goes down, all my senses are aroused. I'm scared of the dark normally so I'm hyper vigilant in every way. My ears were sensitive to sounds, my eyes were working hard to find any figure, shadow or change in the scenery, my skin was happy to feel the coolness of the night (63 perfect degrees), my nose smelled all the aromas of night. I fell in love with the moon that night. I thought about the moon the entire next day and could not get it off my mind.

I have done something insane! I've signed up for the Wild Idaho 50K Endurance Ultramarathon. The race is 8/6/2011. This has cut 2 months off of my training plan for a marathon and I'm doing MORE than a marathon. Nothing rational in that thought process but who cares...I'm only living once and I don't know what I'm capable of until I try.

Drinking coffee on the way to the race start the morning of the 50K. 

It was cold and it had been a very cold nights sleep.  I had no idea the joy that awaited me on the idea at all!
My final sprint across the finish line

Finish time of WIFKER - Wild Idaho 50K (first ever 50K) 10:23:10 - 08/06/2011

 Receiving my award from the RD - Ben Blessing

The salt on my shorts I wore during the race.  No road running ever left me this depleted.

I was hooked.  I would do this again and again and again!  I knew that this trail ultra was not my last and that I would be back for more.

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